// Generate and Compare AES Test Files For KAT and Monte Carlo Tests
// Directory for AES test vector files and locally generated copies
char *aes_path = "i:\\testvals\\";
char *dir_path = "d:\\cpp\\aes\\";
// Frog, Safer and Serpent hack to get Monte Carlo test agreement
// because the test vectors for these algorithms assemble the key
// vectors in the reverse direction in memory
bool do_fss_hack = true;
#include "../std_defs.h"
using std::ios;
using std::ostream;
using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::setw;
using std::ios_base;
using std::string;
using std::getline;
string fstr[6] = { "KEYSIZE=", "I=", "IV=", "KEY=", "PT=", "CT=" };
char *hxx = "0123456789abcdef";
void v_out(ostream &outf, u1byte ty, u4byte len, void *v = 0)
if(ty == 1)
outf << endl << endl << fstr[ty] << len;
{ u1byte *p = reinterpret_cast(v), buf[80], *bp = buf;
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
*bp++ = hxx[(*(p + i) >> 4) & 15];
*bp++ = hxx[*(p + i) & 15];
*bp = '\0'; outf << endl << fstr[ty] << buf;
bool on_screen = false;
inline void clear_count(void)
cout << "\b\b\b\b \b\b\b\b";
on_screen = false;
void put_count(int x)
cout << (x /1000) % 10 << (x /100) % 10 << (x /10) % 10 << x % 10;
on_screen = true;
void header(ostream &outf, int type)
{ string str0("=======================================================");
string str1("Author: Dr B R Gladman (gladman@seven77.demon.co.uk)");
string str2("Test: ");
string str3(string("Algorithm: ") + cipher_name()[0] + " (" + cipher_name()[1] + ")");
string str4("Filename: ");
str2 += (type < 4 ? "ECB " : "CBC ");
str4 += (type < 4 ? "ecb_" : "cbc_");
case 0: str2 += "Variable Key Known Answer Tests";
str4 += "vk.txt"; break;
case 1: str2 += "Variable Text Known Answer Tests";
str4 += "vt.txt"; break;
case 2:
case 4: str2 += "Monte Carlo (Encryption) Tests";
str4 += "me.txt"; break;
case 3:
case 5: str2 += "Monte Carlo (Decryption) Tests";
str4 += "md.txt"; break;
outf << str0 << endl << str1 << endl << str2 << endl << str3
<< endl << str4 << endl << str0;
void ecb_vt(ostream &outf)
{ u4byte i, j, pt[4], ct[4], key[8];
key[0] = key[1] = key[2] = key[3] = 0;
key[4] = key[5] = key[6] = key[7] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
set_key(key, 128 + 64 * i);
outf << endl << endl << fstr[0] << setw(3) << 128 + 64 * i << endl;
v_out(outf, 3, 16 + 8 * i, key);
for(j = 0; j <= 128; ++j)
v_out(outf, 1, j);
pt[0] = pt[1] = pt[2] = pt[3] = 0;
*((u1byte*)pt + (j - 1) / 8) = 0x80 >> (j - 1) % 8;
encrypt(pt , ct);
v_out(outf, 4, 16, pt);
v_out(outf, 5, 16, ct);
void ecb_vk(ostream &outf)
{ u4byte i, j, pt[4], ct[4], key[8];
pt[0] = pt[1] = pt[2] = pt[3] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
outf << endl << endl << fstr[0] << setw(3) << 128 + 64 * i << endl;
v_out(outf, 4, 16, pt);
for(j = 0; j <= 128 + 64 * i; ++j)
v_out(outf, 1, j);
key[0] = key[1] = key[2] = key[3] = 0;
key[4] = key[5] = key[6] = key[7] = 0;
*((u1byte*)key + (j - 1) / 8) = 0x80 >> (j - 1) % 8;
set_key(key, 128 + 64 * i);
v_out(outf, 3, 16 + 8 * i, key);
encrypt(pt , ct);
v_out(outf, 5, 16, ct);
void ecb_me(ostream &outf)
{ u4byte i, j, k, xo, pt[4], key[8], ct[12];
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
outf << endl << endl << fstr[0] << setw(3) << 128 + 64 * i;
pt[0] = pt[1] = pt[2] = pt[3] = 0;
key[0] = key[1] = key[2] = key[3] = 0;
key[4] = key[5] = key[6] = key[7] = 0;
ct[4] = pt[0]; ct[5] = pt[1]; ct[6] = pt[2]; ct[7] = pt[3];
for(j = 0; j < 400; j++)
if(j % 40 == 0)
set_key(key, 128 + 64 * i);
v_out(outf, 1, j);
v_out(outf, 3, 16 + 8 * i, key);
v_out(outf, 4, 16, pt);
for(k = 0; k < 5000; ++k)
encrypt(ct + 4, ct); encrypt(ct, ct + 4);
v_out(outf, 5, 16, ct + 4);
pt[0] = ct[4]; pt[1] = ct[5]; pt[2] = ct[6]; pt[3] = ct[7];
xo = 4 - 2 * i;
if(do_fss_hack && (**cipher_name() == 'f' || **cipher_name() == 's'))
ct[8] = ct[0]; ct[9] = ct[1]; ct[10] = ct[2]; ct[11] = ct[3]; xo = 4;
for(k = 0; k < 4 + 2 * i; ++k)
key[k] ^= ct[k + xo];
void ecb_md(ostream &outf)
{ u4byte i, j, k, xo, pt[4], key[8], ct[12];
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
outf << endl << endl << fstr[0] << setw(3) << 128 + 64 * i;
pt[0] = pt[1] = pt[2] = pt[3] = 0;
key[0] = key[1] = key[2] = key[3] = 0;
key[4] = key[5] = key[6] = key[7] = 0;
ct[4] = pt[0]; ct[5] = pt[1]; ct[6] = pt[2]; ct[7] = pt[3];
for(j = 0; j < 400; j++)
if(j % 40 == 0)
set_key(key, 128 + 64 * i);
v_out(outf, 1, j);
v_out(outf, 3, 16 + 8 * i, key);
v_out(outf, 5, 16, pt);
for(k = 0; k < 5000; ++k)
decrypt(ct + 4, ct); decrypt(ct, ct + 4);
v_out(outf, 4, 16, ct + 4);
pt[0] = ct[4]; pt[1] = ct[5]; pt[2] = ct[6]; pt[3] = ct[7];
xo = 4 - 2 * i;
if(do_fss_hack && (**cipher_name() == 'f' || **cipher_name() == 's'))
ct[8] = ct[0]; ct[9] = ct[1]; ct[10] = ct[2]; ct[11] = ct[3]; xo = 4;
for(k = 0; k < 4 + 2 * i; ++k)
key[k] ^= ct[k + xo];
void cbc_me(ostream &outf)
{ u4byte i, j, k, xo, key[8], ct[12];
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
outf << endl << endl << fstr[0] << setw(3) << 128 + 64 * i;
key[0] = key[1] = key[2] = key[3] = 0;
key[4] = key[5] = key[6] = key[7] = 0; // KEY[0]
ct[4] = ct[5] = ct[6] = ct[7] = 0; // IV[0]
ct[0] = ct[1] = ct[2] = ct[3] = 0; // PT[0]
for(j = 0; j < 400; j++)
if(j % 40 == 0)
set_key(key, 128 + 64 * i);
v_out(outf, 1, j);
v_out(outf, 3, 16 + 8 * i, key);
v_out(outf, 2, 16, ct + 4);
v_out(outf, 4, 16, ct);
for(k = 0; k < 5000; ++k)
ct[0] ^= ct[4]; ct[1] ^= ct[5]; ct[2] ^= ct[6]; ct[3] ^= ct[7];
encrypt(ct, ct);
ct[4] ^= ct[0]; ct[5] ^= ct[1]; ct[6] ^= ct[2]; ct[7] ^= ct[3];
encrypt(ct + 4, ct + 4);
v_out(outf, 5, 16, ct + 4);
xo = 4 - 2 * i;
if(do_fss_hack && (**cipher_name() == 'f' || **cipher_name() == 's'))
ct[8] = ct[0]; ct[9] = ct[1]; ct[10] = ct[2]; ct[11] = ct[3]; xo = 4;
for(k = 0; k < 4 + 2 * i; ++k)
key[k] ^= ct[k + xo];
void cbc_md(ostream &outf)
{ u4byte i, j, k, xo, pt[4], key[8], ct[12];
for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
outf << endl << endl << fstr[0] << setw(3) << 128 + 64 * i;
key[0] = key[1] = key[2] = key[3] = 0;
key[4] = key[5] = key[6] = key[7] = 0; // KEY[0]
ct[0] = ct[1] = ct[2] = ct[3] = 0; // IV[0]
ct[4] = ct[5] = ct[6] = ct[7] = 0; // CT[0]
for(j = 0; j < 400; j++)
if(j % 40 == 0)
set_key(key, 128 + 64 * i);
v_out(outf, 1, j);
v_out(outf, 3, 16 + 8 * i, key);
v_out(outf, 2, 16, ct);
v_out(outf, 5, 16, ct + 4);
for(k = 0; k < 5000; ++k)
decrypt(ct + 4, pt);
ct[0] ^= pt[0]; ct[1] ^= pt[1]; ct[2] ^= pt[2]; ct[3] ^= pt[3];
decrypt(ct, pt);
ct[4] ^= pt[0]; ct[5] ^= pt[1]; ct[6] ^= pt[2]; ct[7] ^= pt[3];
v_out(outf, 4, 16, ct + 4);
xo = 4 - 2 * i;
if(do_fss_hack && (**cipher_name() == 'f' || **cipher_name() == 's'))
ct[8] = ct[0]; ct[9] = ct[1]; ct[10] = ct[2]; ct[11] = ct[3]; xo = 4;
for(k = 0; k < 4 + 2 * i; ++k)
key[k] ^= ct[k + xo];
int cmp_nocase(const string &s1, const string &s2)
{ string::const_iterator p1 = s1.begin();
string::const_iterator p2 = s2.begin();
while(p1 != s1.end() && p2 != s2.end())
if(toupper(*p1) != toupper(*p2))
return (toupper(*p1) < toupper(*p2) ? -1 : 1);
++p1; ++p2;
return s2.size() - s1.size();
int get_no(string s)
{ string::const_iterator p = s.begin();
int nbr = 0;
while(p != s.end() && *p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
nbr = 10 * nbr + (*p - '0'); ++p;
return nbr;
int find_line(ifstream &inf, string &str)
{ string::size_type pos;
int ty1;
getline(inf, str);
for(ty1 = 0; ty1 < 5; ++ty1)
if((pos = str.find(fstr[ty1])) != string::npos && !pos)
return ty1;
return -1;
int sync(int nbr, ifstream &inf, string &str, bool outp)
{ int ty, nn;
ty = find_line(inf, str);
if(ty < 0)
return ty;
if(ty == 1)
nn = get_no(str.begin() + 2);
if(nn >= nbr)
return nn;
cout << endl << " " << str;
void comp_vecs(string &fn1, string &fn2)
{ ifstream if1, if2;
string str1, str2;
int ty1, ty2, no1, no2, err_cnt, np_cnt;
bool req;
err_cnt = np_cnt = 0; req = true;
if1.open(fn1.c_str(), ios::in);
cout << endl << "*** 1st file (" << fn1 << ") not found ***"; return;
if2.open(fn2.c_str(), ios::in);
cout << endl << "*** 2nd file (" << fn2 << ") not found ***"; return;
while(!(if1.eof() && if2.eof()))
ty1 = find_line(if1, str1); ty2 = find_line(if2, str2);
if(ty1 < 0 && ty2 < 0)
if(ty1 < 0 || ty2 < 0)
cout << endl << fn1 << (ty1 < 0 ? " short" : " long") << "er than " << fn2; break;
if(ty1 == 1)
no1 = get_no(str1.begin() + 2);
if(ty2 == 1)
no2 = get_no(str2.begin() + 2);
if(cmp_nocase(str1, str2) == 0)
req = true; continue;
if(ty1 == 1 && ty2 == 1)
np_cnt += abs(no2 - no1); req = false;
if(no2 < no1)
cout << endl << "extra test(s) in " << fn2 << ':' << endl << " " << str2;
no2 = sync(no1, if2, str2, np_cnt < 10);
if(no1 < no2)
cout << endl << "extra test(s) in " << fn1 << ':' << endl << " " << str1;
no1 = sync(no2, if1, str1, np_cnt < 10);
else if(ty1 != ty2)
cout << endl << "*** synchronisation error tests " << no1 << " and " << no2 << " ***";
else if(ty1 >= 0)
cout << endl << "*** mismatch error test " << no1 << " *** ";
if(++err_cnt < 6)
cout << endl << " line 1: " << str1 << endl << " line 2: " << str2;
if(np_cnt && !err_cnt)
cout << endl << "other tests match" << endl;
else if(!err_cnt)
cout << endl << fn1 << " and " << fn2 << " match" << endl;
bool test_args(int argc, char *argv[], char ch)
for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if(argv[i][0] != '-' && argv[i][0] != '/')
if(argv[i][1] == tolower(ch) || argv[i][1] == toupper(ch))
return true;
return false;
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ ofstream outf;
bool do_cmp;
string name, dir1(dir_path), dir2(aes_path);
if(argc == 1)
cout << endl << "usage: aes_gkat [/t] [/h] [/k] [/e] [/c] where:";
cout << endl << " /t: compare output and reference test file(s)";
cout << endl << " /h: author's byte order (frog, safer+ & serpent)";
cout << endl << " /k: generate ECB Known Answer Test files";
cout << endl << " /e: generate ECB Monte Carlo Test files";
cout << endl << " /c: generate CBC Monte Carlo Test files";
cout << endl << endl; exit(0);
cout << endl << "Generate and verify tests for the " << cipher_name()[0] << " algorithm: ("
<< cipher_name()[1] << ")" << endl;
do_fss_hack = test_args(argc, argv, 'h');
do_cmp = test_args(argc, argv, 't');
if(test_args(argc, argv, 'k'))
name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\ecb_vk.txt");
outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);
header(outf, 0); ecb_vk(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\ecb_vk.txt", name);
name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\ecb_vt.txt");
outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);
header(outf, 1); ecb_vt(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\ecb_vt.txt", name);
if(test_args(argc, argv, 'e'))
name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\ecb_me.txt");
outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);
header(outf, 2); ecb_me(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\ecb_e_m.txt", name);
name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\ecb_md.txt");
outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);
header(outf, 3); ecb_md(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\ecb_d_m.txt", name);
if(test_args(argc, argv, 'c'))
name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\cbc_me.txt");
outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);
header(outf, 4); cbc_me(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\cbc_e_m.txt", name);
name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\cbc_md.txt");
outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);
header(outf, 5); cbc_md(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\cbc_d_m.txt", name);
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